Dollar / ruble exchange rate on the Moscow Exchange at intervals of 1 minute

Dollar / ruble exchange rate on Forex at intervals of 4 hours

A gradual weakening of the ruble to 70-80 rubles / $ 1 is likely in the second half of 2022, Gazprombank analysts said.

„The press service of the Ministry of Finance confirmed that the department had submitted proposals to the government on new parameters of the budget rule. Details were not announced. The news continues the story of the upcoming special government meeting on the updated design of the budget rule and the work of the foreign exchange market. With the release of the news, the ruble corrected to 58.2 rubles ./$1 after the morning strengthening to 57.7 rubles/$1,” writes Pavel Biryukov, an analyst at the bank.

The forecast of the bank’s expert indicates a gradual weakening of the ruble in the second half of 2022 with a return to the range of 70-80 rubles/$1.